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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Paul B Fenton Chapter 45, The Jewish Philosohical Tradition

Sufism, the Islamic Mysticism, which began in the 8th century but truly flowered in the 9th century predates Jewish Kabbalah. Rabbi Bachye ibn Paquda who wrote Chovos HaLevovos was inspired by Sufism. This book was a great inspiration to many generations of Jews, especially Chassidic Jewry. Notably, is a quote from Rav Yaakov Yosef the great talmid of the Holy Besht, which said “Ye have returned from the lesser war, now prepare for the greater war (with ones nature)” which is straight from Rav Bachye is actually a quote from none other than Muhammad himself. Rav Avraham ben HaRambam, son of the great rationalist, was a Sufi inspired Jewish community leader and his book HaMaspik LaAvodas Hashem is also based off Sufi teachings.
The crazy thing in the article is that Abulafia and the Arizal himself may have interacted with Sufi masters which may have led them to certain teachings that they applied to Jewish Kabbalah. AMAZING.