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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Who am I?

I recently titled a document in my computer- Who am I?
I have been reading academic type articles for a few years now. I am by no means an expert, at all. But, I have begun to develop ideas for myself. About time, right? I wanted to begin to write down and document the articles and books that had a profound effect on me, and write about them. This blog is the same idea, just public. I am going to try regularly, hopefully each week, to submit a post that discusses an idea or thought about a certain topic on Judaism.
Lets be clear. I am not a heretic (see Rav Yosef Albo's Ikkarim) or Orthoprax, which from what I understand, would entail that I do the actions of religious life but do not believe in them. As I described this blog: I continue to search and attempt to find God, the REAL Judaism and our true purpose in Jewish Life.

I, like many other people, am not in Chinuch or learn Torah all day long, so I have other things that take up much of my time. But well see where we can go with this.

I will leave you with one thought. Is our Judaism different from the Judaism of Moses? If we believe Chazal literally when they say that everything that a rabbi will teach his students was revealed at Sinai then yes maybe Moshe did know even the words I wrote now and Avraham did actually do Eiruv Tavshilin (Yoma 28) Or do we hear the story of Moshe shown Rabbi Akiva teaching his students teachings that are quite foreign to Moses. (Menachot 29b). Has Judaism changed? If it has than why dont we recognize that it has?

1 comment:

  1. Judaism has changed and the "we who don't recognize that" are most Orthodox as opposed to Conservative who have the right idea. Perhaps in an ideal world we would have Orthodox dedication with Conservative ideology but thats never gonna happen
